UX Writing

Words influence the user experience

UX writing includes creating the text for user interfaces in web applications, software, and mobile apps. The goal is to be clear, consistent, and conversational. 

Text is a part of design which defines the user experience.

Voice And Tone

Does the copy on your user interface align with your brand’s personality?

User interfaces are conversations. The user and the application come together to get something done. The text sets the tone for collaboration.

Define your brand’s voice for copy that intuitively guides the user with empathy and context awareness.

For example, at ContentGoals, I use a voice chart that describe the personality of our UX writers (okay, that’s me).

Voice Chart for ContentGoals
  • Enthusiastic
  • Confident
  • Attentive
  • Resourceful
  • Playful

I don’t have all the answers but when curiosity meets resourcefulness, we can come up with more than one solution together. I enjoy the creative process and like to learn new things.

  • Straight-talking
  • Sincere
  • Succinct
  • Authentic
  • Open

I’m clear about my knowledge, skills, and progress to help stakeholders understand how to engage with me. I speak up when something doesn’t make sense or when I need more information.

  • Warm
  • Relatable
  • Social
  • Aware
  • Collaborative

I like you. I want your opinion and I’m open to your ideas. Everyone touches content and I like to share.

User Interface Text (UI)

Create text that supports and enhances the users’ communication with the application. Guide them so they clearly understand what’s going on and help them avoid and resolve any negative experiences in case of errors. 

User Input
  • Checkboxes / radio buttons
  • Dropdown lists
  • Buttons
  • Toggles
  • Text fields
  • Menus
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Sliders
  • Search fields
  • Pagination
  • Sliders
  • Tags
  • Label / field descriptions
  • Tooltips
  • Icons
  • Progress bars
  • Notifications
  • Modal windows

Hierarchical Taxonomy

Taxonomies are used to categorize and structure information to help users (and internal teams) find content. Taxonomies are an essential first step of information architecture and lay the groundwork for user experience design.



Decide upfront how you will refer to things. 

Glossaries are controlled vocabularies which can be used to manage categories.



Include an accurate description of named things.

Metadata is used to define the items in the glossaries



Determine how your things relate to each other.

Take inventory of your digital things and decide how to organize them into groups, features, workflows, etc. 


A solid taxonomy lays the foundation for UX Writing and helps with consistency and clarity. Having an organized workflow is crucial for starting off on the right foot and making sure that stuff is easy to find at a later stage. It’s ideal to start with a taxonomy, but many times it’s necessary to perform a content audit to take inventory of all your digital assets.


Microcopy is everywhere — from link text and call-to-actions, to disclaimers and error messages. The copy that was once the responsibility of marketers and content managers has become a vital part of UX.

There is an art (and sometimes a science) to short tidbits of information that tell a user what to do. Help tell the bigger story of your brand or product by effectively addressing user concerns, providing context to a situation, and guiding them to meet their needs.