UX Style Guide

Copy Guidelines


    I created this general UX style guide for ContentGoals using best practices for longform copy and UI writing. Every company has a different style, but this can come in handy as a basis to build on.



    In general, don’t use ampersands (&). Spell out the word “and”. The only time to use an ampersand is if they are found in company names “Tiffany & Co.,” “AT&T”.  

    Audit Logs and Reporting

    Audit Logs & Reporting


    Use apostrophes to represent omitted letters, numbers or verb contractions:  

    • Omitted numbers (’40s) 
    • Omitted letters (don’t, can’t, won’t) 
    • Verb contractions (it’s, you’re, we’re) 

    Use apostrophes to form possessives:  

    • Singular nouns: add ’s, even if they end in s (user’s, lens’s) 
    • Plural nouns that don’t end in s: add ’s (people’s, children’s) 
    • Plural nouns that end in s: add an apostrophe (users’, admins’)

    User’s password
    Admins’ emails

    Users password
    Admins emails


    Use these two basic rules for using colons. Use the colon after a complete sentence to introduce a list of 3 or more items. 

    1. Lists Within a Sentence  

    You must have a complete sentence in front of a colon to introduce a list within a sentence.  Don’t capitalize the first word after the colon unless it’s a proper noun. 

    Our employees enjoy food from around the world: chilaquiles, curry, sushi, and falafel.

    Our company introduced a few more integrations this week: Google, Slack, Teams, and Box.

    Our employees enjoy food from around the world: Chilaquiles, curry, sushi, and falafel.

    Do not use a colon in a complete sentence after phrases like “such as,” “including,” and “for example.”

    Jamf is an enterprise management solution for Apple devices such as iPads, iPhones, Macs, and Apple TV.

    Jamf is an enterprise management solution for Apple devices such as: iPads, iPhones, Macs, and Apple TV.

    2. Bulleted Lists  

    Use a colon to introduce a bulleted list. 

    Removing a license may have failed for one of the following reasons:

    • You may not be authorized
    • Another license may be dependent on the one you’re trying to remove
    • User or service plan may no longer exist

    Removing a license may have failed for one of the following reasons.

    • You may not be authorized
    • Another license may be dependent on the one you’re trying to remove
    • User or service plan may no longer exist


    Avoid semicolons. Rarely will you ever need a semicolon for product copy. But if you absolutely have to, use these 2 rules:

    1. Complicated commas

    When writing sentences that contain complicated lists, including those where the list items themselves contain commas.

    Make sure: You’re authorized to remove the license; other licenses are not dependent; the user or service plan exists; and the license is assigned by a group.

    Make sure you’re authorized to remove the license, other licenses are not dependent, the user or service plan exists, and the license is assigned by a group.

    2. Related sentences

    The sentences should be related. The sentences should be complete and able to stand on their own. Use a semicolon to replace the word “and” or “because” between the sentences.

    Keywords must be separated by a coma; they are not case sensitive.

    Keywords must be separated by a coma; passwords are case sensitive.


    Use the oxford comma in sentences after every list of 3 or more items (unless you’re using a bulleted or numbered list).  

    Check the actions you would like to run for each integration, select a trigger, and save.

    Check the actions you would like to run for each integration, select a trigger and save.

    Em Dashes (Sentences)

    Use an em dash without a space on either side (—) to create a strong break in the structure of a sentence.  Em dashes draw attention to the information suggesting it’s important.

    Remove users, data, and access—all with the Offboarding Employees workflow template.

    Remove users—data, and access—all with the Offboarding Employees workflow template.

    En Dashes (Numbers)

    En dashes are shorter than em dashes. Use an en dash with no spaces (–) for a fixed range of numbers.

    April 15–April 30

    April 15 – April 30


    Use hyphens to:  

    1. Form compound modifiers

    Compound modifiers are two words describing the noun that follows. 

    Start your 30-day free trial.

    A cloud-based system is a hardware and software hosted by a third party.

    We made a high-risk decision.

    This decision is high risk.

    Start your 30 day free trial.

    A cloud based system is a hardware and software hosted by a third party.

    We made a high risk decision.

    This decision is high-risk.

    2. Separate vowels in prefixes and suffixes

    Use hyphens only if there are two vowels beside each other. Never use hyphens in the words onboarding, offboarding, ecommerce, and email.





    Exclamation Marks

    Use exclamation marks rarely—only for really really exciting things.

    You’ve successfully set up your first workflow!

    You’ve successfully added another user!


    In general, don’t use periods in interface copy unless it’s a full sentence description.  

    When to use periods:   

    Complete sentences  

    Body text, descriptions, and subtitles  

    Help text under text boxes (form fields)

    Timeline events 

    Sentence fragments

    Top-level headings and titles



    Toast messages

    Placeholder copy

    Navigation menu items

    Hover/tooltip text

    Radio button and checkbox text

    Question Marks

    Avoid question marks —using affirmative statements instead wherever you can. In cases where questions are necessary, use a question mark. Don’t use question marks if it’s the only option available or for on/off toggle options.  

    Forget your password?

    Show workflow

    Reset password?

    Show workflow?

    Quotation Marks

    Use quotation marks to define words and quote text. Place commas and periods inside quotation marks.  

    “SaaSOps” is a term coined by BetterCloud.

    “I see this often,” said David.

    SaaSOps is a term coined by BetterCloud.

    “I see this often”, said David.